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Addenbrookes Patient

Our 6 yr old grandson, Hubert suffered a ruptured AVM and received emergency surgery by Mr Dan Brown, who undoubtedly saved his life.

During his subsequent 10 week stay in Addenbrookes, Mr Brown paid him frequent visits over and above his role as a neurosurgeon and gave reassurance to family members. Hubert then had a 8 week rehabilitation course at Tadworth in Surrey and he has made nothing short of a miraculous recovery.

He will be seeing Mr Brown for regular checkups for the foreseeable future. We can never fully express our profound gratitude to Dan Brown for his outstanding skills which resulted in returning Hubert to us when his life was very much in the balance.

How Can We Help

Get In Touch

Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital
30 New Road
CB24 9EL

t.  01223 655001
e. [email protected]
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